The fifteenth chapter of Nidanasthanam of Ashtanga Hridayam is called as Vata Vyadhi Nidanam Adhyayah. This chapter offers with the reason of ‘analysis of illnesses of nervous system’.
The subjects lined on this chapter embody –
– Regular and irregular vata – trigger for all the great and unhealthy within the physique
– Authority of Vata
– Pledge of what’s to return within the chapter
– Pathological improve of vata by lower of tissues and enveloping of vata by different doshas within the channels
– Vriddha Vata Karma – features of aggravated vata
– Vata Vyadhi occurring in sense organs
– Signs of vata situated within the tissues, veins, arteries, joints, tendons and everywhere in the physique
– Akshepaka – convulsions
– Apatantraka – Tetanus
– Apatantraka – Tetanus
– Antarayama – Exopthotonos
– Bahirayama – Opisthotonos
– Vranayama
– Restoration of well being after convulsions
– Hanusramsa
– Jihvasthambha
– Ardita
– Siragraha
– Paksavadha
– Dandaka
– Apabahuka
– Visvaci
– Khanja Pangu
– Kalayakhanja
– Urusthambha
– Krostukasirsaka
– Vatakantaka
– Gridhrasi
– Khalli
– Padaharsa
– Padadaha
Pledge by the creator(s)
अथातो वातव्याधि निदानं व्याख्यास्याम ।
इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षय: ।
After having provided prayers to the God, henceforth we’re going to clarify the chapter pertaining to the reason of ‘analysis of illnesses of nervous system’. Thus pledge Atreya and different sages.
Regular and irregular vata: Trigger for all the great and unhealthy within the physique
सर्वार्थानर्थकरणे विश्वस्यास्यैककारणम् ।
अदुष्टदुष्टः पवनः शरीरस्य विशेषतः ॥ १ ॥
For all the great and unhealthy of all world, unvitiated – regular and the vitiated – the irregular Vata (air) respectively, is the one trigger; particularly so within the human physique.
Authority of Vata
स विश्वकर्मा विश्वात्मा विश्वरूपः प्रजापतिः ।
स्रष्टा धाता विभुर्विष्णुः संहर्ता मृत्युरन्तकः ॥ २ ॥
तददुष्टौ प्रयत्नेन यतितव्यमतः सदा ।
Vata is the performer of all actions of the world the soul of all of the creatures of the world Vata is the possessor of all kinds, chief of all dwelling being, the creator, supporter and controller of all; is omniscient, God destroyer, lord of demise and demise itself. Therefore at all times, all efforts needs to be made to keep up Vata in uncontaminated state.
Pledge of what’s to return within the chapter
तस्योक्तं दोषविज्ञाने कर्म प्राकृतवैकृतम् ॥ ३ ॥
समासाद्व्यासतो दोषभेदीये नाम धाम च ।
प्रत्येकं पञ्चधा चारो व्यापारश्चेह वैकृतम् ॥ ४ ॥
तस्योच्यते विभागेन सनिदानं सलक्षणम् ।
In doshaVijnana- chapter 11 of Sutrasthana, Vata’s regular and irregular features have been described,in doshabhediya chapter of Sutrasthana, their description (of features and many others) in short and element, 5 kinds of Vata Dosha, their names, websites nature of motion and features of every have been defined. Now it’s abnormalities might be describedalong with their causes and medical options.
Pathological improve of vata by lower of tissues and enveloping of vata by different doshas within the channels
धातुक्षयकरैर्वायुः कुप्यत्यतिनिषेवितैः ॥ ५ ॥
असङ्ख्यमपि सङ्ख्याय यदशीत्या पुरेरितम् |
चरन् स्रोतःसु रिक्तेषु भृशं तान्येव पूरयन् ।
तेभ्योऽन्यदोषपूर्णेभ्यः प्राप्य वाऽऽवरणं बली ॥ ६ ॥
Vayu will get aggravated because of over indulgence in things-foods, actions, that trigger depletion of tissues. Although vata issues are innumerable, solely eighty of them which can be frequent, have been enumerated beforehand. Bali (vata) then strikes up within the empty channels-because of tissue depletion and likewise fills up these empty channels or by getting enveloped by the opposite doshas which have stuffed up the channels.
Notes: Aggravation of vata happens in two methods viz-
a. occupying the empty channels brought on by tissue depletion and producing elevated functioning within the channels so occupied. Right here, vata is the one dosha producing the impact, therefore very highly effective.
b. by getting enveloped/surrounded/ hindered by the opposite doshas which have accrued within the channels and producing decreased or lack of functioning of the channels so affected. Right here, vata is related to any a number of of the opposite doshas, therefore not very highly effective.
Vriddha Vata Karma: Features of aggravated vata
तत्र पक्वाशये क्रुद्धः शूलानाहान्त्रकूजनम् ।
मलरोधाश्मवर्ध्मार्शस्त्रिकपृष्ठकटीग्रहम् ॥ ७ ॥
करोत्यधरकाये च तांस्तान् कृच्छ्रानुपद्रवान् ।
Vata aggravated within the pakvasaya-large intestines offers rise to colic, flatulence,gurgling within the gut,obstruction to actions of feces, urinary calculi,hernia, piles,catching sort of ache within the higher a part of the again, decrease again and waistand different tough illnesses / issues involved with the decrease elements of the physique.
Vriddha Vata Karma: Features of aggravated vata
आमाशये तृड्वमथुश्वासकासविषूचिकाः ॥ ८ ॥
कण्ठोपरोधमुद्गारान् व्याधीनूर्ध्वं च नाभितः ।
Aggravated Vata in Amashaya causes thirst, vomiting, dyspnoea, cough, indigestion related to simultaneous vomiting and diarrhea, obstruction of the throat, extreme belching and illnesses in physique elements above the umbilicus.
Vata Vyadhi occurring in sense organs
Within the ear and different sense organs, it causes loss- or diminution of their sensory perform.
Vata situated in pores and skin
त्वचि स्फुटनरूक्षते ॥ ९ ॥
Within the pores and skin, aggravated Vata causes and dryness;
Aggravated Vata Dosha in Rakta Dhatu: Blood tissue
रक्ते तीव्रा रुजः स्वापं तापं रागं विवर्णताम् ।
अरूंष्यन्नस्य विष्टम्भमरुचिं कृशतां भ्रमम् ॥ १० ॥
Within the blood it offers rise to extreme ache, lack of tactile sensation, improve of temperature, redness, discoloration, ulceration, stasis of undigested meals within the alimentary tract for lengthy interval, lack of style/ urge for food, emaciation and dizziness.
Vata affecting Mamsa and Medas Tissue
मांसमेदोगतो ग्रन्थींस्तोदाढ्यान् कर्कशाञ्छ्रमम् ।
गुर्वङ्गं चातिरुक्स्तब्धं मुष्टिदण्डहतोपमम् ॥ ११ ॥ Within the muscle tissue and fats, it producestumors with extreme ache and hardness,exertion,heaviness of the physique, extreme ache,rigidity, stiffness, and feeling as if being overwhelmed with the fist or baton.
Vata afflicting Asthi Dhatu
अस्थिस्थः सक्थिसन्ध्यस्थिशूलं तीव्रं बलक्षयम् ।
Within the bones Vata causes ache within the thighs, joints and bones, and profound lack of power.
Vata afflicting Majja Dhatu
मज्जस्थोऽस्थिषु सौषिर्यमस्वप्नं सन्ततां रुजम् ॥ १२ ॥
Within the marrow it produces hollowness of the bones, lack of sleep and fixed ache.
Vata afflicting Shukra Dhatu
शुक्रस्य शीघ्रमुत्सर्गं सङ्गं विकृतिमेव वा ।
तद्वद्गर्भस्य शुक्रस्थः
Within the Shukra Dhatu, Vata causes untimely ejaculation, obstruction-non-ejaculation or irregular ejaculation, so additionally of the fetus – untimely, obstructed or irregular supply of the fetus.
Vata afflicting Sira: Blood vessels
सिरास्वाध्मानरिक्तते ॥ १३ ॥
Within the blood vessels, Vata causes both their fullness or vacancy.
स्नावस्थितः कुर्याद्गृध्रस्यायामकुब्जताः ।
Within the tendons it causes sciatica, tetanus, kyphosis / dwarfism.
Vata afflicting Sandhis: Sandhigata Vata
वातपूर्णदृतिस्पर्शं शोफं सन्धिगतोऽनिलः ॥ १४ ॥
प्रसारणाकुञ्चनयोः प्रवृत्तिं च सवेदनाम् ।
Localized within the bony joints Vata produces swelling resembling an inflated leather-based bag to the touch, ache on the graduation of extending and flexing actions.
Vata afflicting all physique elements
सर्वाङ्गसंश्रयस्तोदभेदस्फुरणभञ्जनम् ॥ १५ ॥
स्तम्भनाक्षेपणस्वापसन्ध्याकुञ्चनकम्पनम् ।
Unfold everywhere in the physique, Vata produces pricking, splitting sort of ache, throbbing, chopping sort of ache, stiffness, convulsions, lack of tactile sensation, contractions of the joints tremors.
Akshepaka dysfunction: Convulsions
यदा तु धमनीः सर्वाः क्रुद्धोऽभ्येति मुहुर्मुहुः ॥ १६ ॥
तदाऽङ्गमाक्षिपत्येष व्याधिराक्षेपकः स्मृतः ।
When the aggravated vata invades all of the dhamanis-arteries (nerves), then it produces repeated contractions of the physique, particularly of the extremities. This illness is called Akshepaka – convulsion.
Apatantraka: Tetanus
अधः प्रतिहतो वायुर्व्रजन्नूर्ध्वं हृदाश्रिताः ॥ १७ ॥
नाडीः प्रविश्य हृदयं शिरः शङ्खौ च पीडयन् ।
आक्षिपेत् परितो गात्रं धनुर्वच्चास्य नामयेत् ॥ १८ ॥
कृच्छ्रादुच्छ्वसिति स्तब्धस्रस्तमीलितदृक् ततः ।
कपोत इव कूजेच्च निःसञ्ज्ञः सोऽपतन्त्रकः ॥ १९ ॥
स एव चापतानाख्यो मुक्ते तु मरुता हृदि ।
अश्नुवीत मुहुः स्वास्थ्यं मुहुरस्वास्थ्यमावृते ॥ २० ॥
Aggravated Vata getting obstructed in its downward motion, begins shifting upwards, enters into the channels related to the Hridaya- coronary heart and mind and produces ache within the coronary heart, head and the 2 temples, causes convulsions within the physique and bends the physique like a bow; the affected person breaths with problem, affected person’s eyes are static, immobile, drooping down and lids- half open, makes sound like a pigeon, and is unconscious. This illness is Apatantraka, additionally it is often called apatanaka additionally. When the heart- mind turns into free from Vata, the individual obtains health-relief from convulsions momentarily and will get sick and convulsions seem once more Vata is stuffed.
Apatantraka: Tetanus
गर्भपातसमुत्पन्नः शोणितातिस्रवोत्थितः ।
अभिघातसमुत्थश्च दुश्चिकित्स्यतमो हि सः ॥ २१ ॥
It -apatantraka is brought on by abortion, additionally it is brought on by heavy bleeding and trauma- damage to very important organs it’s most tough to deal with.
Antarayama: Exopthotonus
मन्ये संस्तभ्य वातोऽन्तरायच्छन् धमनीर्यदा ।
व्याप्नोति सकलं देहं जत्रुरायम्यते तदा ॥ २२ ॥
अन्तर्धनुरिवाङ्गं च वेगैः स्तम्भं च नेत्रयोः ।
करोति जृम्भां दशनं दशनानां कफोद्वमम् ॥ २३ ॥
पार्श्वयोर्वेदनां वाक्यहनुपृष्ठशिरोग्रहम् ।
अन्तरायाम इत्येष
When vata will get contained in the arteries/nerves current within the sides of the neck trigger stiffness after which spreads to all of the elements of the physique, constricts the shoulders, makes the physique bent inwards like a bow; produces bouts of convulsions, lack of actions of the eyes, causes extreme yawning, grinding of the teeth- rigidity of the jaws or lock jaw, vomiting of kapha- mucus, ache within the flanks, incapacity to talk, locked jaw and stiffness of again and head. That is antarayama – inward bending.
Bahirayama: Opisthotonos
बाह्यायामश्च तद्विधः ॥ २४ ॥
देहस्य बहिरायामात् पृष्ठतो नीयते शिरः ।
उरश्चोत्क्षिप्यते तत्र कन्धरा चावमृद्यते ॥ २५ ॥
दन्तेष्वास्ये च वैवर्ण्यं प्रस्वेदः स्रस्तगात्रता ।
बाह्यायामं धनुःष्कम्भं ब्रुवते वेगिनं च तम् ॥ २६ ॥
Equally so is Bahirayama—outward bending when the physique is bent outwards, with the top reaching the again, the chest protruding out, the neck extending the again, there may be discoloration of the tooth and mouth, profuse sweating; debility of the physique. That is referred to as Bahyayama, Dhanusthambha and veginam – episodic.
व्रणं मर्माश्रितं प्राप्य समीरणसमीरणात् ।
व्यायच्छन्ति तनुं दोषाः सर्वामापादमस्तकम् ॥ २७ ॥
तृष्यतः पाण्डुगात्रस्य व्रणायामः स वर्जितः ।
The doshas get localized in wounds located on very important spots, get aggravated by vata, after which unfold everywhere in the physique from the ft to the top, below the affect of Vata Dosha, convulsions because of traumatic wounds or hemorrhage related to thirst and pale discoloration of the physique; this illness needs to be rejected.
Restoration of well being after convulsions
गते वेगे भवेत् स्वास्थ्यं सर्वेष्वाक्षेपकेषु च ॥ २८ ॥
In all kinds of Aksepaka- convulsions, when the bouts move off, the individual obtains non permanent wellbeing.
Akshepaka is convulsions, usually, because of any trigger, Apatantraka or apatanaka is Dhanusthambha-tetanus, Antarayama and bahirayama are its two sorts of manifestation.
Abortion- together with miscarriage and abnormalities of supply, profuse hemorrhage and trauma- damage because of any trigger are a few of the frequent causes, along with meals and actions which irritate vata.
जिह्वातिलेखनाच्छुष्कभक्षणादभिघाततः ।
कुपितो हनुमूलस्थः स्रंसयित्वानिलो हनू ॥ २९ ॥
करोति विवृतास्यत्वमथवा संवृतास्यताम् ।
हनुस्रंसः स तेन स्यात् कृच्छ्राच्चर्वणभाषणम् ॥ ३० ॥
By extreme scraping of the tongue, consuming dry meals, and by trauma- damage, vata localized on the decrease jaw will get aggravated, and induced displacement of the decrease jaw resulting in the mouth being both stored open or closed, related to problem for masticating and talking; this illness is Hanusramsa.
वाग्वाहिनीसिरासंस्थो जिह्वां स्तम्भयतेऽनिलः ।
जिह्वास्तम्भः स तेनान्नपानवाक्येष्वनीशता ॥ ३१ ॥
Vata will get localized within the veins in -near the vocal cords it causes lack of motion of the tongue resulting in incapacity to swallow meals, water and to talk; this illness is Jihvasthambha.
शिरसा भारहरणादतिहास्यप्रभाषणात् ।
उत्त्रासवक्त्रक्षवथोः खरकार्मुककर्षणात् ॥ ३२ ॥
विषमादुपधानाच्च कठिनानां च चर्वणात् ।
वायुर्विवृद्धस्तैस्तैश्च वातलैरूर्ध्वमास्थितः ॥ ३३ ॥
वक्रीकरोति वक्त्रार्धमुक्तं हसितमीक्षितम् ।
ततोऽस्य कम्पते मूर्धा वाक्सङ्गः स्तब्धनेत्रता ॥ ३४ ॥
दन्तचालः स्वरभ्रंशः श्रुतिहानिः क्षवग्रहः ।
गन्धाज्ञानं स्मृतेर्मोहस्त्रासः सुप्तस्य जायते ॥ ३५ ॥
निष्ठीवः पार्श्वतो यायादेकस्याक्ष्णो निमीलनम् ।
जत्रोरूर्ध्वं रुजा तीव्रा शरीरार्धेऽधरेऽपि वा ॥ ३६ ॥
तमाहुरर्दितं केचिदेकायाममथापरे ।
As a result of carrying heavy load on the top, extreme laughing, talking, exertion of the face- by acts akin to sneezing, mimicking, others, making faces, histrionic feats and many others., use of irregular-uneven, laborious pillow whereas sleeping, chewing very laborious supplies causes aggravation of vata, by publicity to vata aggravating components, which will get localized within the higher elements of the physique and produces irregularities of half of the face; discovered specifically throughout talking, laughing and seeing, then his head begins to shake, related to obstruction of speech, lack of actions of the eyes, shaking of the tooth, hoarseness of voice, deafness, obstruction of sneezing, lack of sense of scent, lack of reminiscence, delusion, exhaustion throughout sleep, the spittle comes out from the perimeters of the mouth, one eye is closed, extreme ache within the elements above the shoulders, ache in half of the physique or decrease elements of the physique. This illness known as as Ardita – Facial palsy by some and as Ekayama by others.
रक्तमाश्रित्य पवनः कुर्यान् मूर्धधराः सिराः ॥ ३७ ॥
रूक्षाः सवेदनाः कृष्णाः सोऽसाध्यः स्यात्सिराग्रहः ।
Vata vitiates the blood, and will get localized within the veins of the top, makes them rough- laborious, painful and black. That is Siragraha, which is incurable.
गृहीत्वार्धं तनोर्वायुः सिराः स्नायूर्विशोष्य च ॥ ३८ ॥
पक्षमन्यतरं हन्ति सन्धिबन्धान् विमोक्षयन् ।
कृत्स्नोऽर्धकायस्तस्य स्यादकर्मण्यो विचेतनः ॥ ३९ ॥
एकाङ्गरोगं तं केचिदन्ये पक्षवधं विदुः ।
सर्वाङ्गरोगं तद्वच्च सर्वकायाश्रितेऽनिले ॥ ४० ॥
शुद्धवातहतः पक्षः कृच्छ्रसाध्यतमो मतः ।
कृच्छ्रस्त्वन्येन संसृष्टो विवर्ज्यः क्षयहेतुकः ॥ ४१ ॥
Vata seizing half of the physique, causes dryness of the veins and tendons, destroys – makes left or the best aspect of the physique inactive, by loosening the joints. By this, half of the physique turns into incapable of any perform and insensible with lack of features. That is referred to as by some as Ekangaroga and by others as Pakshavadha. It’s sarvangaroga because the whole physique is invaded by anila- vata. Paksavadha brought on by vata alone- with out the affiliation of pitta or kapha, is most tough to treatment, tough when related to others-doshas. The illness induced because of depletion of tissues is reject worthy, incurable.
आमबद्धायनः कुर्यात् संस्थभ्याङ्गं कफान्वितः ।
असाध्यं हतसर्वेहं दण्डवद्दण्डकं मरुत् ॥ ४२ ॥
Vata, related to kapha, invades all of the channels of the physique, that are stuffed with Ama, and makes the physique stiff like a employees – log of wooden, and wherein all of the actions of the physique are destroyed, often called Dandaka is incurable.
अंसमूलस्थितो वायुः सिराः सङ्कोच्य तत्रगाः ।
बाहुप्रस्पन्दितहरं जनयत्यवबाहुकम् ॥ ४३ ॥
Vayu-vata situated on the root of the shoulders constricts the veins there, produces Apabahuka, which causes lack of motion of the arm.
तलं प्रत्यङ्गुलीनां या कण्डरा बाहुपृष्ठतः ।
बाहुचेष्टापहरणी विश्वाची नाम सा स्मृता ॥ ४४ ॥
The illness which causes constriction of the tendons of the palms and fingers, over the again of the arm, resulting in lack of perform of the arm, is thought by the title Vishvachi.
Khanja Pangu
वायुः कट्यां स्थितः सक्थ्नः कण्डरामाक्षिपेद्यदा ।
तदा खञ्जो भवेज्जन्तुः पङ्गुः सक्थ्नोर्द्वयोरपि ॥ ४५ ॥
Vayu localized within the waist / pelvis, causes constriction of the tendons of the thighs and provides rise to Khanja- lameness when one leg is affected and to Pangu- lameness when each the legs are affected.
कम्पते गमनारम्भे खञ्जन्निव च याति यः ।
कलायखञ्जं तं विद्यान्मुक्तसन्धिप्रबन्धनम् ॥ ४६ ॥
The legs tremble on the graduation of strolling, the affected person walks by limping and the binding of the joints are loosened this situation is to be often called Kalayakhanja.
शीतोष्णद्रवसंशुष्कगुरुस्निग्धैर्निषेवितैः ।
जीर्णाजीर्णे तथायाससङ्क्षोभस्वप्नजागरैः ॥ ४७ ॥
सश्लेष्ममेदःपवनमाममत्यर्थसञ्चितम् ।
अभिभूयेतरं दोषमूरू चेत्प्रतिपद्यते ॥ ४८ ॥
सक्थ्यस्थीनि प्रपूर्यान्तः श्लेष्मणा स्तिमितेन तत् ।
तदा स्कभ्नाति तेनोरू स्तब्धौ शीतावचेतनौ ॥ ४९ ॥
परकीयाविव गुरू स्यातामतिभृशव्यथौ ।
ध्यानाङ्गमर्दस्तैमित्यतन्द्राछर्द्यरुचिज्वरैः ॥ ५० ॥
संयुतौ पादसदनकृच्छ्रोद्धरणसुप्तिभिः ।
तमूरुस्तम्भमित्याहुराढ्यवातमथापरे ॥ ५१ ॥
Over indulgence in meals that are chilly, sizzling, liquid, dry, heavy, unctuous, both cooked or raw; exertion, debility, irritation, extreme sleep or avoidance of sleep, and many others., these causative components result in aggravation of vata related to slesma (kapha), medas (fats tissue), and extreme accumulation of Ama (undigested meals metabolites), will get related to different dosha (pitta) strikes in the direction of the thighs which refill (accrued in) the thigh bones that are made moist by the kapha, making the thigh stiff it turns into chilly, numb and inactive. The affected person feels as if the thigh belongs to another person, the thigh turns into heavy, and is related to extreme ache, is tremendously nervous, has ache in physique elements, feels as if his physique is roofed by a moist fabric, drowsiness, vomiting, tastelessness (anorexia), fever, related to weak spot of the ft, problem in lifting and lack of tactile sensation, this illness is designated as Urusthambha by some and as Adhyavata by some others.
वातशोणितजः शोफो जानुमध्ये महारुजः ।
ज्ञेयः क्रोष्टुकशीर्षश्च स्थूलः क्रोष्टुकशीर्षवत् ॥ ५२ ॥
A swelling in the midst of the knee arising from-aggravated vata and sonita- blood, extremely painful, thick-big resembling the top of a jackal is called Kroshtukashirshaka.
रुक् पादे विषमन्यस्ते श्रमाद्वा जायते यदा ।
वातेन गुल्फमाश्रित्य तमाहुर्वातकण्टकम् ॥ ५३ ॥
Vata getting localized within the ankle joint, both by inserting the foot improperly whereas strolling, or because of exertion of the ft produces ache within the ankles / heels. That is referred to as as Vatakantaka.
पार्ष्णिं प्रत्यङ्गुलीनां या कण्डरा मारुतार्दिता ।
सक्थ्युत्क्षेपं निगृह्णाति गृध्रसीं तां प्रचक्षते ॥ ५४ ॥
Tendons of the ft getting vitiated by Vata, trigger ache shifting in the direction of the heel / ankles or the toes and makes the lifting of the thigh up very tough; that is referred to as as Gridhrasi.
विश्वाची गृध्रसी चोक्ता खल्लिस्तीव्ररुजान्विते ।
Vishvachi and grdhrasi when accompanied with extreme ache are referred to as as Khalli.
हृष्येते चरणौ यस्य भवेतां च प्रसुप्तवत् ॥ ५५ ॥
पादहर्षः स विज्ञेयः कफमारुतकोपजः ।
The ft having tingling pains and needling sensation and appear to be sleeping – with lack of tactile sensation, is Padaharsha arising from aggravation of Kapha and Vata.
पादयोः कुरुते दाहं पित्तासृक्सहितोऽनिलः ॥ ५६ ॥
विशेषतश्चङ्क्रमिते पाददाहं तमादिशेत् ॥ ५६अब् ॥
Vata related to pitta and Asrk-blood, produces burning sensation within the feet-soles in individuals who stroll extra. This is called Padadaha.
इति श्री वैद्यपति सिंहगुप्तसूनु श्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहिताया तृतीये निदानस्थाने वातव्याधिनिदानं नाम पञ्चदशोऽध्याय:।।१५॥
Thus ends the chapter Vatavyadhi Nidana-the fifteenth in Nidanasthana of Astangahrdayasamhita composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagup.
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